What are frameworks and how they help speed up development

2022-08-08 | Development

Web developers spend most of their time coding. They create websites or applications from scratch. In the arsenal of programmers, there are many tools that save time when solving standard problems. One of the most popular are frameworks.

What is a framework

A framework is a platform for creating websites and applications that facilitates development due to a large number of implemented functions. A programmer does not have to write code from scratch. He takes a ready-made solution and creates an add-on to implement the product.

Frameworks often overlap with libraries. Developers use both components and beginners often don't understand how they differ. Libraries are ready-made components that solve certain tasks. For example, there are libraries for processing files and displaying images on the screen. Libraries and frameworks have one goal - to free the programmer from constantly solving the same type of tasks. When he takes on a new project, he may not write all the code, but take a framework that already has a basic “core” and connect several libraries to it.

The main difference between a framework and a library is that the framework sets a rigid framework. The developer integrates his code into a third-party solution, but cannot go beyond the standard logic. Libraries can be used at any time or disabled altogether if there are alternatives. Everyone needs to know the fundamental differences between a framework and a library in order to use both tools correctly. When a customer asks to create a site based on a ready-made CMS, PHP frameworks are no longer needed, but CSS can come in handy. You can connect them to the project and not write code for standard functions.

Popular frameworks are the result of the work of programmers from all over the world. They are constantly improving the module and it acquires new features. No need to create forms, buttons, tables and other elements from scratch. We connected the "core" and you can safely engage in the implementation of items from the terms of reference.

Types of frameworks

There are PHP, CSS and JS frameworks. Each type of software tools solves its own problems, but they are united by a common goal - to help the developer get rid of the routine. Instead of writing, for example, a page templating system for each project, he can deal with non-standard tasks.

Frameworks and libraries are not easy solutions to problems. They only provide a "foundation" on the basis of which you can create a project. If the developer hopes that all the work will be done for him, then these tools do not know how.

The number of libraries and frameworks for JavaScript is constantly increasing. There are more flexible solutions, the creators of which promise high performance and speed. Developers need to follow trends so that in a few years it does not turn out that they are using an outdated stack and it is no longer in demand. PHP frameworks are used on the backend to form the underlying structure. For the frontend, there are a large number of their own frameworks that help to quickly assemble the “framework” and change its appearance.

You can use Google Trends to track the popularity of frameworks. It shows the dynamics of demand based on the number of search queries. You can enter multiple keys at once to display the data on the same graph and compare them. The screenshot below shows that React is searched for about 2 times more often than Vue. Moreover, React is an open source JS library, and Vue is a framework. There are often disputes among developers about whether React belongs to frameworks, but the information on the official website clearly indicates that this is a library.

What tasks do frameworks solve

1. Increase development speed. The programmer will have a debugged “core” that can be used as the basis of the project.

2. Reduce task costs. If a programmer does not need to create a site from scratch, but can use a framework, he will take much less money for the work. Self-written CMS can be developed for several years, and the budget often reaches hundreds of thousands of rubles.

3. Released from routine tasks. The developer can implement non-standard functions.

4. Help to stay competitive in the market. If a programmer has mastered several popular frameworks to perfection, he will not be left without work.

How to choose a framework for work

Novice developers often ask experienced colleagues about which framework to choose for work. To spend a few years studying it and make good money. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, because the web development niche is constantly changing.

When choosing a framework, pay attention to the community and documentation. The more people involved in the development, the faster the opportunities will increase. Documentation helps solve common problems without the help of colleagues. No need to waste time posting questions or looking for experienced programmers.

Job statistics are also important, but the data is constantly changing. While you are learning React or Vue, another framework may appear that will be in demand among employers. It is not worth chasing trends, but you need to carefully follow them.

If you are going to dedicate years of your career to development, take the time to learn popular frameworks. This will help you become a sought-after programmer and give you the opportunity to move to companies with more favorable working conditions.
